My Stories
Slow the scroll: Week 1 of mindful digital consumption
What is happening to Purple Pencil Project?
Human nature, hybrid work, and company culture
Where does the compulsive need to compare come from?
Social Media Is Not A Digital Bulletin Board
Navigating the Internet of Advice
Collect the dots before you connect the dots
The rightful romanticisation of railways
Why you should hire an internal journalist on priority
Millennials, the internet, and a history of double identities
Writing Challenge Day 5: #1000WordsofSummer
Writing Challenge Day 1: #1000WordsofSummer
Age, agency, and being the older woman in a romance
Why more of us women need to be mentors
Dating apps and our algorithmic behaviours
Startups require a mindset shift before anything else
The Year of Chai, and not turning 30
A note of appreciation for our sparring partners
Friend of six years: In unpaid praise of Tiny Change
The journey of returning from a sabbatical
The unspoken emotional cost of Indian weddings
EQ+IQ: A guide to finding your voice as a writer